Delicious, healthy, carob cookies made with rich carob flour and black Greek Corinthian P.D.O. raisins
When people in ancient Greece used carob seeds to measure the weight of gold, no one could imagine that after thousands of years, the word "carat" derived from the word "keration" meaning carob in ancient Greek, would continue to be used as the global unit for gold weight measurment.
Additionally, carob often referred to as "the cocoa of the ancient Greeks", and since then has been a healthy substitute for chocolate, having 60% less calories, no fats and much more fiber.
Today, carob which flourishes and is abundantly available in the southern Greek island of Crete, travels to northern Greece as a raw ingredient, blends with P.D.O. Corinthian raisins, and produces a new, premium, highly nutritional snack.